Engaging Speakers and
Inspiring Sessions Soon
The Conference is Accredited by the High Health Council as 6 hours for Continuing Professional Development CPD (HCC-MTLS-CPD551-9-24) هذا المؤتمر معتمد من المجلس الصحي العالي لغايات التطوير المهني المستمر بوافع 6 ساعات معتمدة
Welcome to advance knowledge and foster collaboration
Notification of Acceptance
End of Registration
Abstract Submission Deadline
Selected Research Articles will be published in Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences - JJBS [Scopus Q2]
World Class Speakers
Dr. Dana Mustafa
Dr. Dana Hyassat
Prof. Mohammed Al-Raqad
Prof. Khosrow Adeli
Prof. Salem Aqel
Eng. Thair Al-Fararjeh
Dr. Raed AlShadfan
MD .Maher Alsarraf
Information of Event Schedules
- Day 1 November 20, 2024
- Day 2 November 21, 2024

What our visitor's say about us

It is an honor and a pleasure to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to Zarqa University for all the efforts made in the field of higher education, community service, and the ongoing collaboration with the Association of Arab Universities.

Prof. Dr. Amr Ezzat Salama
Thank you for the warm welcome and I hope that the cooperation between Zarqa University and universities in Indonesia continue to Flourish in the future.
May Zarqa University continue to advance and continue to become one if the best universities in Jordan.

Muhammad Hartantyo
It is a great honor for me and my colleagues at Palestine Ahliya University to have the opportunity to visit the prestigious, rising, and evolving Zarqa University. We were greatly pleased by the technological and knowledge advancements we witnessed, as well as the significant readiness in infrastructure and scientific research.

Imad Al-Zir
70 +
Conference Tracks
Quality Management and Accreditation.
Non-Communicable Diseases.
New Trend in Diagnostic Procedures.
Advances in Cancer Biotechnology
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Laboratory Sciences.
The Role of Laboratory Diagnosis in Personalized Medicine.
Hematopathology and Transfusion Medicine
Progress in Forensic Diagnosis
Clinical Immunology and Autoimmune Diseases
Infectious Disease Diagnosis
New Trends in Genomics
Advances in Reproductive Genetics and Fertility Technologies
Inborn Errors of Metabolism